====== Guristas Watch ======
|< 400px 110px ->|
| @#131d27:적 팩션 | @#333:[[/구리스타|{{:guristas.png?64}}]] |
| @#131d27:시 큐 리 티 | @#333:하이 / 로우 |
| @#131d27:출 현 지 역 | @#333:The Citadel, The Forge, Lonetrek |
| @#131d27:추천 공격 속성 | @#333:{{:미션:aki.png?20}} |
| @#131d27:추천 방어 속성 | @#333:{{:미션:dki.png?20}}{{:미션:dth.png?20}} |
| @#131d27:적 전자전 공격 | @#333:{{:미션:sw.png?16}}{{:미션:ec.png?16}} |
====Guristas Watch====
*2 x (Sentry) Pith Missile Battery (Guristas Light Missile Battery)
*4-6 x (Frigate) Pithi Demolisher/Destructor/Plunderer/Wrecker
*4-6 x (Destroyer) Pithior Supremanist/Terrorist
*2 x (Cruiser) Killer/Murderer (Jamming)
*1 x (Cruiser) Pithum Communications Officer (Pithum Nullifier) (Jamming) (Attacking Triggers Wave 2)
*2-3 x (Frigate) Pithi Wrecker
*2-3 x (Elite Frigate) Dire Pithi Demolisher/Destructor/Wrecker
*1-2 x (Destroyer) Pithior Anarchist/Nihilist
*? x (Cruiser) Ascriber/Silencer
*? x (Cruiser) Killer/Murderer (Jamming)
*2-3 total cruisers
*1 x (Cruiser) Pithum Communications Officer (Pithum Annihilator) (Jamming) (Attacking Triggers Wave 3)
*4-6 x (Destroyer) Pithior Guerilla/Renegade/Terrorist
*? x (Cruiser) Pithum Ascriber
*? x (Cruiser) Pithum Killer/Murderer (Jamming)
*3-4 total cruisers
*1 x (Cruiser) Pithum Communications Officer (Pithum Annihilator) (Jamming) (Attacking Triggers Wave 4)
*3-5 x (Destroyer) Pithum Commander's Henchman (Pithior Guerilla/Renegade)
*3 x (Cruiser) Pithum Commander's Guardian (Pithum Annilihator/Nullifier) (Jamming)
*1 x (Cruiser) Pithum Militant Commander (Pithum Inferno/Mortifier) (Triggers Gate Unlock)
*1 x Acceleration Gate (Leads to Pocket 2) (Pithum Militant Commander의 파괴 또는 Guristas Silver Tag 소지시 게이트 언락)
*2 x (Sentry) Guristas Heavy Missiles Battery (Trigger Wave 2)
*8-9 x (Destroyer) Pithior Guerilla/Renegade/Supremacist/Terrorist
*? x (Cruiser) Ascriber/Silencer
*? x (Cruiser) Pithum Killer (Jamming)
*2-3 total cruisers
*2-3 x (Destroyer) Pithior Guerilla/Nihilist/Terrorist
*? x (Cruiser) Pithum Pithum Ascriber
*? x (Cruiser) Pithum Killer/Murderer (Jamming)
*4-6 total cruisers
***웨이브2(Weapon Manufacturing Plant 공격시 트리거)**
*3 x (Elite Frigate) Overseer/Supervisor's Henchman (Dire Pithi Plunderer/Wrecker)
*? x (Cruiser) Overseer/Supervisor's Guardian (Pithum Inferno/Mortifier)
*? x (Cruiser) Overseer/Supervisor's Guardian (Pithum Annihilator/Nullifier) (Jamming)
*4 total cruisers
*1 x (Battlecruiser) Pithatis Militant Supervisor (Pithatis Assaulter/Enforcer) (Trigger possible Commander Wave) (Trigger for possible Escalation)
***커맨더 웨이브(Pithatis Militant Supervisor 파괴시 트리거)**
*0-1 x (Frigate Commander) Dread Guristas Plunderer/Saboteur/Wrecker (Jamming if Saboteur) (wreck may contain T2 implant, Dread Gruistas Frigate Module, Target Spectrum Breaker BPC, or Worm BPC, usually only Dread Gurista ? Tags, Dread Gurista Ammo, and Meta Modules)
*1 x Weapon's Manufacturing Plant (Attacking Triggers Wave 2)
***Pithatis Militant Supervisor 파괴시**
*[[Terrorist Plot!]]