====== Gurista Lookout ======
|< 500px 110px ->|
| @#131d27:적 팩션 | @#333:[[/구리스타|{{:guristas.png?64}}]] |
| @#131d27:시큐리티 | @#333:하섹 로섹 |
| @#131d27:리전 | @#333:The Citadel, The Forge, Lonetrek |
| @#131d27:추천 공격 속성 | @#333:{{:미션:aki.png?20}} |
| @#131d27:추천 방어 속성 | @#333:{{:미션:dki.png?20}}{{:미션:dth.png?20}} |
| @#131d27:적 공격 전자전 | @#333:{{:미션:sw.png?16}}{{:미션:ec.png?16}} |
====Gurista Lookout====
*1 x (Sentry) Guristas Light Missile Battery
*8 x (Frigate) Pithi Arrogator/Demolisher/Wrecker
*1 x (Elite Frigate) Dire Pithi Imputor (Stasis Webifier, Warp Disruption)
*6 x (Destroyer) Pithior Guerilla/Nihilist/Renegade
*9 x (Frigate) Pithi Imputor/Infiltrator/Invader
*3 x (Frigate) Pithi Demolisher
*4 x (Destroyer) Pithior Anarchist/Renegade/Terrorist
***컨트롤 센터 웨이브(Gurista Control Center 파괴시)**
*1-3 x (Destroyer) Pithior Anarchist/Renegade
*1-3 x (Destroyer) Pithior
*0-1 x (Frigate Commander) Dread Guristas Infiltrator (wreckage may contain Faction Frigate Modules, Tech 2 implants, and Faction ammo)
*1 x Guristas Control Center(에스컬레이션 트리거, 컨트롤 센터 웨이브 트리거)
***Guristas Control Center 파괴시**